Category: Studying

  • Chunking: A Student’s Best Weapon for Exams

    Chunking: A Student’s Best Weapon for Exams

    Ever wonder why remembering a phone number is easier than memorizing a random string of ten digits? It all boils down to a powerful learning technique called chunking. Chunking is the process of taking small pieces of information and grouping them into larger, more manageable units. It’s a bit like organizing your pantry – instead…

  • The Most Effective Studying Framework to Ace Exams

    The Most Effective Studying Framework to Ace Exams

    Discover Cajun Koi Academy’s Three C’s Framework – Construct, Connect, Challenge – for effective learning. Learn how to chunk information, combat cramming, leverage AI, and embrace a cyclical approach for optimal retention. Dive into this comprehensive guide to revolutionize your study habits.

  • 7 Powerful Ways to Study for an Exam

    7 Powerful Ways to Study for an Exam

    This article explores effective exam preparation methods, including free recall with mind maps, Anki flashcards with spaced recall, practicing with past exams, creating summaries and outlines, forming study groups, teaching someone else, and practicing self-care. These techniques aim to enhance retention and recall for improved exam performance.

  • Should I Sleep Or Study: A Breakdown Of The Science

    Should I Sleep Or Study: A Breakdown Of The Science

    Should you study more, or sleep more? For many, their answer is “study”, but sleeping is a much more valuable and productive use of your time than studying – it is more efficient.

  • Learn Deeper, Learn Better.

    Learn Deeper, Learn Better.

    Feel like you use your time well, but don’t seem to memorize the material as fast as you may like? This article outlines how one can achieve ‘deep learning’ and memorize complex concepts easily.

  • How to Focus – for students

    How to Focus – for students

    Focus is an important skill, especially in academia, but most students are lacking in this regard. In this article, we teach the different tips and tweaks that you can implement to improve focus, especially for students.

  • How to make Mind Maps.

    How to make Mind Maps.

    Mind maps are a great option for studying. It has been shown to improve retention, and is a faster alternative to linear notes. In this post, we break down how you can make a mind map of your own, and learn the benefits of mind mapping.

  • Active Recall: The path to mastery.

    Active Recall: The path to mastery.

    Active recall allows the user to study much more efficiently. It prompts you to recall the term from your memory, instead of trying to embed it there through re-reading. This article teaches you active recall techniques that you can implement right away.

  • Why Cornell Notes Suck.

    Why Cornell Notes Suck.

    You were taught Cornell notes in school. But is this method really effective, especially in a blazing fast lecture? In this article, we educate you on the disadvantages of Cornell note-taking, and why you should rethink everything you have been taught in the past.

  • How to make Studying Easier.

    How to make Studying Easier.

    Humans are naturally lazy (to an extent). If they do not want to do something, they will either put it off until later (procrastination), or they discard it entirely. Interestingly enough, we can use this trait to our advantage.