Category: Productivity
How to Harness Your Chronotype for Optimal Learning Success
The article explores how you can use chronotypes to improve productivity. Understanding one’s natural sleep-wake patterns (morning, evening, or intermediate types) and aligning tasks accordingly can optimize energy levels, cognitive functioning, and overall performance. This personalized time management can enhance student productivity and academic achievements.
How to Overcome Procrastination: a science-backed approach
This article presents a research-supported approach to overcoming procrastination, employing concepts from learning psychology to fix the root of the problem.
How to “Flexibly” Time Block.
This article will teach you how to time block effectively, with flexibility as a priority. For students, learning how to time block will improve productivity massively. Time blocking is ideal for many fields, including academia.
The “two list” method – for students.
In this post, we delve into the ‘two-list’ system, started by Warren Buffett himself. However, we cover how this method can be applied from a student’s perspective, as it may not seem ideal at first glance.
I don’t use a planner – Here’s why.
Many people love using planners for studying, and I understand the appeal. However, this methodology is simply impractical and slow. In this article, I give you my preferred method for planning, and the downsides of using a planner.
Typing Speed – Work 2x faster.
If you properly improve your typing speed, you could become 2x more effective. In this article, we give you a routine to follow, along with important tips and methodologies for faster typing.
The Parkinson’s Law – And what we can Learn from it.
In time management, Parkinson’s Law is a great tool to get work done in less time. Learn all about it – and how you can apply it – in this article. This applies to schoolwork, jobs, project management, and more.
How to Stop Distractions once and for All.
Having trouble getting a handle on your distractions? This could be social media, re-checking emails, or even just staring off into space. Distracting yourself in this way loses you hours of time that you could be using to get stuff done. Without further ado, here are some ways you can stop distractions, and live a…
The Best Software for Productivity.
Productivity software has a wide range of uses, from to-do lists, project management, and time tracking, to note-taking, writing, and categorization. As such, there are many programs to serve these purposes. Not all of them are high quality, however, which is why we compiled the BEST productivity software, period.
5 Productivity Tips for the upcoming school year.
As we kick off summer break, many students are working at jobs, starting hobbies, or studying for a future class. As such, having a handful of productivity tips handy can help you feel more prepared come September. A few of these tips are not specific to school – they can be applied throughout your life.