Tag: learning psychology

  • Chunking: A Student’s Best Weapon for Exams

    Chunking: A Student’s Best Weapon for Exams

    Ever wonder why remembering a phone number is easier than memorizing a random string of ten digits? It all boils down to a powerful learning technique called chunking. Chunking is the process of taking small pieces of information and grouping them into larger, more manageable units. It’s a bit like organizing your pantry – instead…

  • The Most Effective Studying Framework to Ace Exams

    The Most Effective Studying Framework to Ace Exams

    Discover Cajun Koi Academy’s Three C’s Framework – Construct, Connect, Challenge – for effective learning. Learn how to chunk information, combat cramming, leverage AI, and embrace a cyclical approach for optimal retention. Dive into this comprehensive guide to revolutionize your study habits.

  • How to Overcome Procrastination: a science-backed approach

    How to Overcome Procrastination: a science-backed approach

    This article presents a research-supported approach to overcoming procrastination, employing concepts from learning psychology to fix the root of the problem.